
The actual founder of Balance Systems is the Italian entrepreneur Gianni Trionfetti. Since the age of 16, he was strongly motivated in setting up this business on his own account. With this very purpose in mind, he decided to move to Milan, where he spent five years as a working-student and two years as an electronic technician for a company producing balancing machines. In the meantime, he was building hi-fi amplifiers and psychedelic light projectors for fun.

Thanks to the abilities developed during those formative years, with a very low budget and very high level of passion and tenacity, in 1974 he was able to start his own business, using the basement of his home as a workshop. One year later, through the partnership with three skilled friends, he officially set up GT Electronica.

Since that time, the company has shown continuous growth: from a basement workshop to a worldwide presence.


15 September 1975

Gianni Trionfetti founds GT Elettronica


17 June 1980

Creation of R&D department for delivering innovative products

Balance Systems

5 February 1987

Owning the enterprise expansion, the company name changes from GT Electronica to Balance Systems Srl and the R&D Department is enhanced


25 September 1993

Opening of the first Balance Systems subsidiary in France with the name of GT Electronica France SARL.


20 July 1994

Establishing the USA subsidiary, Balance Systems enters the American market


10 November 1997

Balance Systems advances into the Chinese market by providing an effective distribution network


26 February 1999

The company gets UNI EN ISO 9001 certification (Quality Management Systems), more evidence as a constant continuous improvement


18 January 2001

Opening of Balance Systems GmbH in Germany.

Still growing

15 September 2002

A seguito dei continui successi ottenuti e della costante crescita aziendale, sorge la necessità di poter disporre di un più ampio spazio di lavoro. Viene quindi deciso di ampliare la sede di Pessano con Bornago (MI), costruendo una nuova unità produttiva adiacente


31 March 2006

In order to satisfy the continually increasing market demand, the production area is enlarged

Siemens Solution Partner

30 September 2010

Balance Systems becomes Siemens Solution Partner

Renewed website

26 September 2015

Balance Systems launches a new and improved website, specifically developed for meeting all the users’ needs

A new subsidiary in U.S.A.

25 November 2015

It was inaugurated in Wixom, Michigan the new strategic sales and service facility for balancing machines and process control systems for grinding machines for the major customers in the American automotive sector.


31 December 2016

The quality of our balancing solutions, the incessant and innovation growth, and the reliability and the attention devoted to the relationship with our customers has allowed the company to continuously grow. Today Balance Systems has very strong international presence